

2016-11-07编辑: Tortoise来自: 环球教育整理




  Do you plant any flowers?(新)

  Do you like flowers? (Why?)

  What flowers do you like? (Why?)

  Which/What is your favorite flower?

  Do you think flowers are important?

  (Similar to above) Are flowers important in your culture? (Give examples)

  On what occasions are flowers important?

  Do people in your country ever use flowers for special occasions?

  In your country, do people (ever) give flowers as a gift?

  What are the occasions when people give or receive flowers?

  Do any flowers have any special meaning in your country?


  Describe a big company you are interested in.

  You should say:

  What is the company called;

  How did you know this company;

  What kind of business this company does;

  What kinds of interesting activities does the company have;



  Describe an activity you do to keep fit.

  You should say:

  what it is

  when you started it

  whether you enjoy it

  and explain why you think it can help you to keep fit.


  1(new!!),  About someone you know.

  How do people know each other usually?

  What is the most important thing about making friends?

  Would you like to make friends who have the same  interest or hobbies?

  2(new!!), About a small and successful business.

  What characteristics should people have in order to make a successful business?

  Should people specially learn something for making a successful business?

  3(new!!), About a time when you met a wild life.

  Are there any animal products you know?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of raising pets?

  Do you think animals should be protected?

  4(new!!), About a tall building you know.

  Are there many tall buildings in your country?

  Why are there so many tall buildings?

  Do you like tall buildings?

  What are the advantages and disadvantages of constructing tall buildings?

  Would there be more tall buildings in the future?

  Do people in your country like living in tall buildings?

  Does climate have any influence on how people build houses?

  5(new!!), About a short journey you don’t like but often have.

  How is the transport now as you see?

  Why are there so many people that would like to travel overseas?

  Why do people in your country like shopping when traveling?

  6(new!!), About a time when you were busy.

  Do you think children in your country are stressful?

  Do you think students learn more in playing than class?

  Do you think students in high stress are unhappy?

  Do you think computer would replace human in doing something?

  What are the good and bad parts when doing a stressful job?

  7(new!!) About a stadium in town.

  Do you think it is important to have a stadium in a town or city?

  Do you think there should be more stadiums in a city?

  What types of sports do people in your country like doing?

  Do you know some other places that are good for people to do sports?








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