雅思口语:Interesting Neighbor
2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
I happen to have a neighbor who just moved into my apartment building a few weeks ago.
I'd like to talk about my neighbor who has beenliving next door to me for almost 5 years.
I still remember the first day we met. He knocked on my door, and handed me a minispeaker. I was like, what...why and who are you? He explained, like, he was new here, and hewas about to do some renovation stuff in his new apartment, so there's gonna be irritatingnoises like the hammering and drilling. He told me I could use this speaker to play some loudmusic, you know, to block out the noise. I was really impressed by his gesture.
So you see, he left a super great first impression on me, I mean, he struck me as ahumorous and polite person from the very first day we met.
然后下面就是“一来二去的熟络了起来”,然后逐渐了解,发现这个人“扣题的特质”,例如如果是“interesting”,那么就多讲讲他生活丰富多彩的一面,如果是“polite”,就来夸夸他待人接物多么有礼貌,如果是“new friend”,就用第一个开头,刚搬过来没几周,等等……
惯用的套话就是“And then, one thing led to another, we became good friends. And the more Iget to know him, the more I realize how amazing his life is./how polite he is.”等等。
下面用“interesting neighbor”举个例子:
Actually, we clicked immediately when we realized that we had so much in common. Like, we are both into music and travelling. She has her own band and she's the lead singer. In herspare time, she would write songs and sing in the nightclub part-time. She has been tocountless places and really seen the world, so she has various fascinating stories to tell. Oh, Iforgot to mention earlier, she's also an excellent cook. What she makes is mouth-watering andtastes out of this world.
I guess I'm really lucky to have her as my neighbor, I mean, she really spices things up forme. / adds some spice to my life.
