2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
I'd like to talk about a café called Mr. Wang, which islocated near my school, actually it's only withinwalking distance of my school gate.
There are so many things to say about this café.
First of all, the biggest feature of this café is that theowner keeps two adorable cats that are not afraid of people at all. So this place has become amagnet for cats lovers, like me. After school, I just love to hang out in this café, having a cupof milk and petting those two cats.
The owner is extremely hospitable, he's on a first-name basis with every regular, and wealways get some small gifts and free stuff from him on our birthday.
The environment and decoration of the café is unique, it's like it's specially designed foryoung people. I mean, the owner prepared board games and video games for the guests, soduring weekend, there are always a bunch of students gathering here. And it also has aprojector and a huge screen, the owner would play a movie on a regular basis, usually onSaturday night.
Oh, and anime buffs would love this place, 'cause there are action figures everywhere in thiscafé, including famous characters from American and Japanese animations.
Besides those two cats, what I love about this place is that the owner bought magazines andbooks for his guests. So for me, it's a perfect place to kill time. The owner has got great taste, Imean, the background music he plays is always soothing and relaxing, so I always have agood time there.
This place is our favorite hangout 'cause the owner always throws parties during publicholidays.
1. within walking distance of就是步行即可到达,例如:
The beach is within walking distance of my house (= you can walk there easily).
2. to be on a first-name basis with somebody就表示很熟,可以直呼姓名的那种(to call them by theirfirst name as a sign of a friendly informal relationship),英式说法是to be on first-name termswith somebody.
3. on a regular basis, 我们还会看到类似的表达,例如on a daily/ day-to-day/ weekly basis
4. anime buff
anime就是Japanese film/ movie and television animation,日本动漫 buff就是对某个东西季度热爱的人,例如movie buffs.
5. action figures就是我们常说的“手办”(a doll representing a soldier or a character from a film/ movie, TV show, etc.)
6. hangout合在一起写是名词哦,表示a place where somebody lives or likes to go often,例如:
This cafe is a popular hang-out for tourists.
7. throw parties 跟party搭配的很口语化的动词是throw。
