

2019-04-24编辑: 长安来自: 北京环球教育


  Tighten (one’s) belt /belts


  Due to the huge investment in healthcare system, governments have to tighten its belt in other aspects, such as public transport system and education.

  As the limited pension cannot support a decent lifestyle, many retirees are hesitating between tightening their belts and looking for part-time jobs.

  Lip service

  从字面上就很好理解,其含义通常指一些“空头支票”和不负责任的“口头承诺”。这是一个名词性的词组,前面的动词多数情况下是pay,pay lip service可以被大家理解为一个动宾词组的固定用法。在写作中如果我们想强调一些政策是徒劳的,就可以使用这个词组。例如,之前题库中出现过一个老龄化相关问题:老年人退休后继续工作,你是否支持。大家可以参考下面的例句:

  Senior citizens who are forced to work after their retirement in order to make a living are very likely to feel dissatisfied to our society for the reason that the pension plan that the government used to promise them is just a lip service.


  这个词通常有两个词性。我们先来说它的形容词词性,重量级的,至关重要的。这个很好理解也很好应用。例如heavyweight policies and solutions 等。

  另一个词性是名词。首先其原意指的是拳击比赛中重量级拳手。其延伸的意思,也就是在雅思写作中常用的词义是至关重要的人。例如,heavyweight in showbiz, political heavyweight等。用法都比较简单,就不提供给大家例句了。

  Forge ahead

  Forge本身词义较多,在这个词组中它的词义为前进,前行。Forge ahead通常被译为“砥砺前行”或“砥砺奋进”。通常指通过不断的努力而奋进。其意思类似于make great efforts to。Forge ahead 后面通常接with something,译为伴随或依照某事物不断奋进。


  The strong willpower is what supports those sportsmen to forge ahead with their arduous training plans.

  Twists and turns

  从字面上就很好理解,其词义为迂回和曲折,通常被用作一个名词性词组。如果说Everyone’s life has many twists and turns. 译为每个人的人生都充满了迂回和曲折。这里其词义和ups and downs比较相近。


  The storyline of this movie is full of twists and turns.

  The love story of romance movies always has many twists and turns to catch young film viewer’s eyeballs.



  而我们在雅思写作中常用的underlying是“潜在的”意思,也是形容词。常见搭配有:underlying causes,潜在原因。Underlying principle,根本原则。

  In many cities, the underlying cause of air pollution is not the overuse of vehicles, but the excessive consumption of fossil fuels.

  Underlying cause 的同意替换为root cause,primary cause等。


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