雅思口语:Big company or organization you know
2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
The company I've always been interested in isthe Coca Cola Company. I was first attracted by theircreativity and innovation. I mean, theiradvertising campaigns could always amaze people. Ibecame fascinated by this company because of anadvertisement released several years ago, but after Igot to know more about this company, I just became a huge fan of Coca Cola.
I read from the Internet that this beverage is a result of a rookie mistake. When peoplewere developing this drink, an assistant put the wrong ingredient into the bottle by accident, but it turned out the wrong ingredient made the drink taste even better.
And during the World War Two, soldiers in the frontline all drank it, 'cause coke could be agreat pick-me-up that can reduce the feeling of fear and stress. So you see, it's a perfectsubstitute for cigarette and alcohol. That's how this soft drink became a necessity in thewar.
And as far as I know, it's the first kind of beverage that has been taken to the outer spaceby astronauts.
It's also a cultural symbol. For decades, the streamlined bottle and the red logo havenever changed. It's classic and recognizable.
Now it has become a multinational company and has got employees from all over the world. It has a great sense of responsibility towards society, 'cause I've seen so many public serviceads it produced. This company is active in charity work, so I guess that's why I always have agood impression of it.
其实上面的内容都不一定是真的,有些甚至是瞎编的,但是雅思考官不会care的… 如果你是学术严谨派,可以移步wikipedia,上面你可以找到类似The current formula of Coca-Cola remains a trade secret. 之类的facts,可以帮助你组织答案哦!
advertising campaign = a series of planned activities that are intended to achieve aparticular commercial aim 例如:
A good advertising campaign will increase our sales.
The recent advertising campaign has had a marked effect on sales.
rookie mistake = an error due to inexperience 例如:
I accidentally had the car in reverse instead of drive. It was a rookie mistake.
pick-me-up = something that makes you feel better, happier, healthier, etc, especiallymedicine or an alcoholic drink 例如:
Use the facial scrub when your skin needs an extra pick-me-up.
This deal would offer the best possible pick-me-up to the town's ailing economy.
substitute = a person or thing that you use or have instead of the one you normally use orhave 例如:
Paul's father only saw him as a substitute for his dead brother.
The course teaches you the theory but there's no substitute for practical experience.
