2017-08-31编辑: 环球教育整理来自: 互联网
7. What kind of photos do you like to take? (Why?)
Well, if you check out my camera roll, you would most likely see pictures of inviting food, my silly cat, my friends and I making funny faces/make hilarious facial expressions and things like that. And most of them were taken when I went travelling. Like I said, photos are used to record things, and they are like reminders. Every time I look at those pictures, I would think of the trip I took, the time I spent in a particular place and the people I had fun with.
8. Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?
喜欢拍人的,可以跟Who do you take photos of?合并答案:
I prefer taking pictures of people, especially of my boyfriend, the reason for that is fairly simple, they tell more stories, like where we were and what we were doing. Pictures of scenery can be boring sometimes, plus I’m not an expert, I couldn’t take fascinating pictures just like the ones in National Geographic, sometimes I just do it for fun.
9. How do you keep your photos? Do you keep your photographs on your computer?
Um… I keep them in my phone, and a backup copy on the iCloud. I don’t keep my photos on my computer ‘cause there’s not enough storage in my computer disk.
10. Are there any photos on the walls of your home?
No, my mom doesn't allow us to hang anything on the wall, ‘cause that would involve drilling a hole in the wall, which could destroy her original design or decoration. And sometimes the glue on the wall won’t come off easily, which leaves ugly and disturbing stains. So… we don’t have photos on the wall.
当然大家也可以说Yeah, there’s a family photo on the wall of our living room.
11. Do you frame (or have you framed) any of your photos? (If yes, which? and why?)
Yeah, there’s a framed photo of me and my mom on my nightstand. Actually she printed it out and got it framed, ‘cause she looks gorgeous in that picture, and it was the first time we took a trip together, only the two of us. So you see, it’s quite memorable.
12. Do you prefer to send postcards to people or to send photos that you took yourself? (Why?)
Well, to be honest, I never send postcards or photos to anyone, but if I had to choose between the two, I’d prefer…
postcards, ‘cause pictures on postcards are all taken by experts and professionals, I don’t think I can top them. Plus, it sounds too much effort to send photos taken by myself, I mean, I need to print it out first and everything, it’s just a little waste of time.
